VECTRA® 3D Imaging Los Angeles

The VECTRA 3-D imaging system available at Marina Plastic Surgery can bring your tummy tuck consultation in Los Angeles to a whole new level. With the help of VECTRA, Dr. Stevens can show you what you might look like after your procedure through computer-generated simulations. These three-dimensional representations will help you approach surgery with confidence, knowing what to expect from your results.

Learn more about abdominoplasty in Los Angeles or about VECTRA when you receive a free consultation. Request your appointment online and schedule during one of the convenient times our board-certified plastic surgeons have set aside exclusively for Web visitors. During the consultation, Dr. Stevens will determine if you are a good candidate for surgery and will discuss what you can realistically expect from the procedure.

See the Difference With VECTRA

Vectra 3D imaging body animation

The VECTRA process starts with a three-dimensional image created from pictures and measurements of you that are taken in our office. This information is put into the VECTRA computer system in order to create a customized virtual model.

Once this is complete, you will be able to view 3-D simulations of your pre– and post-surgery body from all angles, as well as see side-by-side comparisons. Dr. Stevens can also use VECTRA to show you what you might look like with additional procedures, such breast augmentation, liposuction or a facelift. A variety of procedure combinations can be viewed so that you can see which treatments will create the results you want.