Save me alike from silly delight, Or impious discontent, At aught Thy knowledge has denied, Or aught Thy goodness lent. Teach me to truly feel another’s woe, To conceal the fault I see That mercy I to other individuals display, That mercy display to me.
Mean however I am, not wholly so, Due to the fact quickened by Thy breath Oh, guide me wheresoe’er I go, By means of this day’s existence or demise. This working day, be bread and peace my large amount: All else beneath the sunshine, Thou know’st if most effective bestowed or not And allow Thy will be finished. To Thee, whose temple is all house, Whose altar earth, sea, skies, 1 refrain let all remaining increase, All Nature’s incense increase!MORAL ESSAYS, IN Four EPISTLES TO A number of Persons.
Est brevitate opus, ut currat sententia, neu se Impediat verbis lassas onerantibus aures: Et sermone opus est modo tristi, sæpe jocoso, Defendente vicem modo Rhetoris atque Poetæ, Interdum urbani, parcentis viribus, atque Extenuantis eas consultò. – Hor.
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(Sat. i. x.
I. That it is not enough for this understanding to consider Guy in the Abstract: Textbooks will not provide the function, nor still our own Working experience singly, v. Normal maxims, except they be fashioned upon both of those, will be but notional, v.

Some Peculiarity in each individual guy, attribute to himself, but varying from himself, v. Complications arising from our individual Passions, Fancies, Schools, and so forth. , v. The shortness of Daily life, to notice in, and the uncertainty of the Concepts of action in adult males, to observe by, v. Our have Principle of action generally hid from ourselves, v.
Some number of People simple, but in common confounded, dissembled, or inconsistent, v. The identical male totally different in various spots and seasons, v.
Unimaginable weaknesses in the best, v. Nothing regular and specific but God and Nature, v. No judging of the Motives from the actions the similar steps proceeding from contrary Motives, and the exact Motives influencing contrary actions v. II. Still to variety People, we can only take the strongest actions of a man’s everyday living, and consider to make them agree: The utter uncertainty of this, from Character alone, and from Plan, v. Figures given according to the rank of men of the planet, v. And some motive for it, v. Education and learning alters the Character, or at minimum Character of numerous, v.
Actions, Passions, Thoughts, Manners, Humours, or Concepts all matter to change. No judging by Character, from v.
III. It only stays to find (if we can) his Ruling Passion: That will absolutely impact all the rest, and can reconcile the seeming or authentic inconsistency of all his steps, v. Instanced in the remarkable character of Clodio, v. A caution from mistaking next qualities for 1st, which will demolish all risk of the understanding of mankind, v. Illustrations of the toughness of the Ruling Passion, and its continuation to the final breath, v. Yes, you despise the male to publications confined, Who from his examine rails at human variety Although what he learns he speaks, and may well progress Some basic maxims, or be proper by chance. The coxcomb fowl, so talkative and grave, That from his cage cries c**d, w**e, and knave, Even though a lot of a passenger he rightly call, You keep him no philosopher at all.